Anatomy of a Mattress

My artist statement is below.

Our consumer throwaway culture and the resulting disconnection with the supply chain are factors that influence my sculpture. By highlighting the materials in a mattress, in most cases bound for a landfill, I invite the viewer to assess all products and materials used in the interior design field. The process of design does not generally take into account valuable existing materials, or incorporate them into the new environment.
Deconstructing the mattress and using these components to construct something new, is symbolic of the potential use of all consumer goods that go into waste streams. It is important to consider used items as a source for new raw materials.

I am interested in how goods discarded by our culture as waste, can become a valuable resource, and through the integration into a work of art, create value.

Anatomy of a Mattress suggests that it is time to access design theory principles relative to the end of life for both products and interior construction.

Name: Anatomy of a Mattress
Size: 36”dia
Format: Sculpture
Materials: Queen size mattress materials: viscose/rayon fabric, olefin fabric, polyester batting, steel springs, steel bracing edge rod, reclaimed synthetic felt fiber, memory latex foam, foam, nylon mess, unknown fiber batting, nylon ties




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